Monday, September 7, 2009

Getting some rest

Last January I came down with pneumonia. It really knocked me down physically, I was in bed for two weeks and on shortened days for the third week. It was a forced staycation. In between the coughing, I slept, read books, and checked out Facebook. I had some difficulty staying in bed, but I had no other option but to rest. However, one good thing came out of the midst of that trial. I learned the importance of getting sleep.

College and graduate school ruined my sleep. I became very accustomed to staying up very late, working around the clock, and cramming as much work into as little sleep as possible. The habit was very hard to break, and it wasn't until I got pneumonia that I realized how harmful bad sleeping habits can be. I decided that I was going to make a concerted effort to get more sleep. However, it wasn't until June that I really put this into practice (I decided to try to be in bed before midnight--targeting between 10 and 11 pm). I have been able to keep this habit going (with only a few random nights staying up into the wee hours of the morning).

What are the results? Well I actually feel better, more alert, and less irritable (that is good for others). I get tired earlier, and it is hard for me to stay up so late. Life seems to be a little more manageable. Funny how it took so many years to realize that God's order of evening and morning at creation (rest and then awake) works the best.

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