Monday, September 21, 2009

Feet first into hell?

This morning as I was walking to my office, I walked past a sign that said, "ODST, Feet First into Hell." Then there were some stanchions set up for a line to form. Three people were in lawn chairs waiting by the door. I was shocked. People were waiting in line to go feet first into Hell? Why?

I started praying for them. When I got to my office, I thought, "I should go talk to them and ask them why they are there." I made my way back (only two were there when I got there). I told them that I saw the sign and was wondering why they wanted to be in a line to go "feet first into hell." They then informed me that this was the line for the release of the new Halo game. What kind of marketing slogan is that?

I then told these men that I know a way to go straight to heaven: through Jesus. "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9).

Maybe they thought I was a bit crazy, but I don't care. "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek." (Romans 1:16)

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