Sunday, October 28, 2007

God's Word: The invisible super glue

I have been discussing creation with different groups of friends lately, and I shared the following with some of them, and they suggested I write it on my blog.

The Bible tells how God performed His creative acts by speaking it into existence. His Word caused something to be created out of nothing. I believe that even still today it is the reverberation of His voice that is holding our universe together. Atoms in a molecule are under constant vibration, which helps to hold the molecules together and determines the energy level of the molecule. Sound is created by pressure waves that cause vibration. It is my opinion that the reverberations caused by God speaking things into existence is what is still holding things together & keeping chaos in check (although the enemy is doing his best to try to break things apart).

I think of how much impact what we speak can make. Proverbs tells us that the power of life and death is in the tongue. I am reminded of how important it is to speak words of life to other people.