Monday, August 24, 2009

Great finds

It has been while since I have blogged. I will start with the mundane: finding precious lost items. In the past year I have become a crossword puzzler. I never thought I would get such a kick out of it. Now I look forward to the Sunday puzzles. Yesterday, a near panic occurred when we couldn't find the section of the newspaper with the Sunday crossword puzzles. My roommates and I searched until the section was found in the recycling bin. We were all pretty excited when it was found.

The day before, it was my cell phone. When I went to service on Shabbat, I had it and then it was gone. I became a bit panicky. A lot of my life is on that phone. It was difficult to focus on the worship and message because my mind would go back to "what happened to my phone?" I kept praying, "Lord, You know where that phone is, help me to focus on You." After the service, I found it after diligent searching (and by using someone else's phone to call it). It was in the bottom of a clay pot surrounding a flower pot--the phone slide to the bottom in between the two pots. I would have never found it without hearing the ringer on my phone going off. Even after hearing the noise, it wasn't easy to locate, I followed the noise with my hand, and got it out (it was in a tight spot). There was much rejoicing in my heart.

I thought of the parable of the woman who searched for her lost coin and when she found it, had a party. The Lord is calling the lost with His voice and waiting for us to respond, so he can pull us out of a dark tight spot. Then there is great rejoicing.

On second thought, finding precious lost items is not mundane. It is actually rather miraculous.


Donnalynny said...

Eno, God helps me find the mundane all of the time. Big miracles are wonderful, but I love the small ones.

Melissa A said...

That's pretty awesome. The Lord reigns in you and the Lord does not lose anything and so now either do you. The Lord has given you all of himself by placing his spirit inside of you. Where the Lord walks it is holy ground, and since the Lord resideds in you, where you walk is holy ground. No need for panick, call forth what you need and it will always be there. This is a little revelation I have realized recently.