Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wasted Energy

If you have worked in a wood shop you have probably heard the saying "Measure twice and cut once." I wish there was more of this type of attitude in industry. I have to believe that if we were to live by this motto a little more often we would consume less of our precious resources. One obvious area of savings would be time. I don't know how much time I have spent fixing other people's gross negligence. It is very frustrating. We all know that time relates to money, so we could save some of that too. In a more subtle way, it could be the new motto for "going green." Think about the amount of electricity, gasoline, and raw materials that are wasted by producing and transporting products that are not made to specifications. I would venture to say that the amount of precious natural resources that are wasted due to people's careless inaccuracy is astounding. Maybe we could start a new saying "Think twice, act once." That's something to think about.


kara said...

couldn't agree with you more, eno. i've seen so many things done poorly or done wrong at this painting job - tapers who "forget" to finish sanding spots of joint compound, cabinets sent with the holes drilled wrong, caulking gobbed all over the place, windows sent with actual paint bristles stuck in the primer and doors arriving in the wrong width - one even twice. it's frustrating to have to fix other people's laziness or mistakes - and problems usually compound down the line. i like how you're thinking.

kara said...

wondering if this new motto wouldn't also work well in the verbal world - "think twice, speak once." how many hurt feelings, embarrassments and misunderstanding could we avoid? :) the trouble is, of course, getting people to actually THINK.