Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The day that went wrong

I had one of THOSE days. You know the type--when it seems that everything that can go wrong does. Some things that I didn't think were possible to go wrong went wrong today, or so it seemed. I made my list, and from 7am until 9:30 pm the number of items on my "went wrong" list was over 14. These were not little items either. Ugh. Sometimes I wonder if I can face another day of such problem solving. I guess the good news is that I was able to reach a semi-reasonable solution for most of the items on my "went wrong" list. The problem is that these solutions will definitely have a negative impact on my schedule--just when I thought I had a schedule that would work. Maybe tomorrow will be a day when everything goes right for once. I hope I can write that post.

1 comment:

Mia said...

Yes, I would like to see the "went right" list. But the "went wrong" day is always more memorable.