Monday, July 14, 2008

Percentage Errors

I have been surprised lately by some common errors made when people are calculating/reporting percentages. At first I thought it was just one person who made a simple mistake, but in a matter of a week, I saw 4 people make similar errors. Maybe those are the only 4 people to make this mistake, but I had to post this in the event that I might spare you from making this type of error too. Here is an example:

By what percentage is $1400 higher than $600?
Typical incorrect response: (1400-600)/1400=57%
One way to show that this is incorrect is to add 57% of 600 to 600: (600 *0.57 )+ 600=943
The correct response is: (1400-600)/600=133%

Now, if the question was phrased as "By what percentage is $600 lower than $1400?" the answer of 57% would be correct. It is all about choosing the correct base number to answer the question being asked.


Mia said...

Either that or not understanding word problems.

eno said...

Isn't tackling "word" problems your specialty?

Mia said...

I leave word problems to the math teachers.