Sunday, February 10, 2008

Washington Republican Caucus Results

Again, people are projecting winners prematurely. The Washington State Republican party has declared McCain the winner with 87% of precincts reporting and only a 242 delegate difference between McCain and Huckabee. I sent the following email to Luke Esser ( of the Washington State Republican party. See reported results.

See what Mike Huckabee's website says about this.

Mr Esser,

I am very disappointed that a winner of the Republican caucuses was projected to the press prematurely. According to the numbers reported, if 13% of the precincts have not reported, approximately 1750 delegates have not been counted. It is hardly possible to accurately predict the winner when the spread between McCain and Huckabee is only 242 delegates (less than 14% of the outstanding delegates), and the difference between McCain and Ron Paul is only 669 delegates.

The state of Washington does not have a good record for counting ballots, and we as the Republican party do not want to be accused of pulling similar tricks as what happened in the last governor's race. Please rescind your projected winner statement, and at least wait until all precincts have reported.

In addition there are a large number (1729) of "uncommitted" delegates who will be free to vote as they wish in the next round. As I understand it, we do not know a "winner" in Washington until the convention process has been completed.

1 comment:

Melissa A said...

Hey Eno,
Thanks for sending me a link to your blog. This comment has nothing to do with what you wrote about, but I read alot of your posts about God and it caused some moments of pondering for me. Thank you for sharing. Hope your trip to Finland is wonderful.