Sunday, February 3, 2008

It's not over

The primary race is not over yet. Political pundits are claiming that the race in the Replican party is between McCain and Romney, but I beg to differ. Only a small percentage of the overall delegates have been determined. Some people say they like Huckabee, but aren't going to vote for him because they don't think he will win. That is crazy. Vote for who you believe will be the best candidate! Below is another reason why I am supporting Mike--once again he demonstrates forward-thinking ideas.

Most people are aware of the recently announced economic stimulus package that our government is planning to implement. I am a bit skeptical of how effective such a package actually will be. From what I have read, the average American will get about $600 with the idea that we will spend it. But the larger question is "how will each American spending a quick $600 help us in the long term?" I think there are other methods for strengthening the economy rather than trying a quick-fix solution. Unfortunately, America is known for its "I want it now" attitude. A little patience would do us a lot of good. Rather than sending checks to each individual, what if the government was to offer funding for developing alternative energy technology. It could be like the space program twenty some years ago (the entire country benefited in numerous ways because of the development for NASA). Not only would it provide jobs to those developing the new technology, but it would be a huge benefit to our country in the long run to not be so dependent on foreign oil. We could save a tremendous amount of money by moving to more renewable energy sources--the problem is that the initial costs for converting technology is high. The US as a whole would benefit from such a program in many ways.

The idea that Huckabee has suggested is also intriguing--to improve our national infrastructure (such as roads and bridges). Many American jobs would be created by requiring the use of US materials and labor. People would benefit from these improved systems for years to come.

It seems to make much more sense to look further ahead than just a couple months. We will soon forget what we bought with our rebate check, but just think of what could be done with a little more patience and careful thought.

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