Thursday, February 7, 2008

The most efficient candidate

Check out this article in the NY Times today. It begins like this, "If political victory was measured in the wise use of scant financial resources, Mike Huckabee would be the front-runner in the presidential race." Then goes on to compare how Huckabee has spent $45,000 per delegate in comparison to Mitt Romney's $654,000. Ouch, that hurts for businessman Romeny.

I want someone running this country who is fiscally responsible--don't you too? I can't understand why radio talk show hosts keep saying that Romney is more fiscally conservative--that is not evidenced by his campaign management. Actions speak louder than words.

By the way, money does actually help the campaigns, so consider chipping in to Mike Huckabee's campaign (use donor code: R6111). He will effectively use your donation.

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