Thursday, January 10, 2008

An Overlooked Issue

Well the results are in from the NH primary. Everyone knows the big stories from it regarding Hillary and McCain. Mike Huckabee did quite well finishing 3rd when just last week the polls showed him in 4th or 5th. He is definitely gaining momentum and is being noticed by both Democrats and Republicans. In many ways, he is a different kind of candidate--one that neither party really knows how to handle. I am extremely excited about Huckabee as a candidate. Call me a little crazy, but I have been watching a bunch of YouTube videos of him and try to catch him on the debates and interviews. It seems that every time I see him, I am impressed. He is quick on his feet, holds up well under pressure, and seems like he is actually enjoying himself. If you haven't seen Mike Huckabee speak, at least take a look at this video posted on YouTube.

The one issue that is rarely mentioned or discussed by the press is about Israel. Israel is and will continue to be a pivotal issue in the years ahead. If a national leader does not have a sound approach, he/she will fail miserably at home. I am actually concerned about the current administration's methods to "bring peace" to Israel by entertaining the idea of splitting up the land again. It could be a total disaster. Mike Huckabee is the only candidate I have found that actually appears to understand the importance of supporting Israel and is committed to doing so. He is opposed to the common notion that Israel must give up land to bring about peace. Every time Israel has conceded land, it has only brought about more problems. "Land for peace" is not a viable solution. This may be the most significant issue of the entire race, but no one is talking about it.

Watch this video of an interview between Huckabee and Wolf Blitzer on CNN on the Israel situation.

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