Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Daylight Saving Time

For some reason I have been especially impacted by the change to DST this year. It could have something to do with the fact that I stayed up way too late on Saturday night/Sunday morning, but nevertheless, I feel the loss of that hour. I still don't understand why we change our time. Does it have something to do with the fact that we wish we could be like God and make time stand still? Probably not. The true reason is probably as ridiculous. People taut it as energy savings, but in today's world our schedules do not hinge that much upon daylight hours (well, maybe a little bit). Manufacturing and shopping happens around the clock. People work and play 24 hours a day. Back before working to a clock, people adjusted their day according to the position of the sun. Ok, maybe it is a silly thing to get worked up about, but the whole concept seems rather silly to me.
If we don't like the fact that it is dark at 10pm, then maybe we should just move our clocks 5 hours ahead and it would be light at 10 pm all year long.

I just saw that a new study shows that implementing DST can actually affect health. Check it out

1 comment:

kara said...

This whole concept really messes up your life if you have kids - they still operate under their bodily rhythms and whatever hour the clocks says doesn't make a difference to them. Want to end DST - check out standardtime.com for more information.