Monday, November 26, 2007


I am guessing that most Thanksgiving dinners included a time where everyone stated something for which he/she was thankful. It is a good exercise to do. I know many people might be tempted to say, "I am thankful for everything." However, when we stop and think about it, how much are we REALLY thankful? The opposite of being thankful is grumbling and complaining (unfortunately, I am guilty of that). I may say that I am thankful for my job, but how often do I find myself complaining about it? When we recognize and appreciate the seemingly little things (like running water), I believe we will be less apt to complain about other things in our lives. I tend to complain about traffic, but the truth is that I am very fortunate to have a car to drive and that we have paved thoroughfares on which to drive. It seems like it is so easy to grumble and complain, and much more difficult to be truly thankful. Thanksgiving Day should be celebrated everyday to remind us to maintain an "attitude of gratitude."

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