Sunday, November 25, 2012

Storm Clouds

I wrote this one week ago while I was on a very long flight.  At the time I wrote this, Israel was being barraged with rockets.

Have you been taking note of the events in Israel lately?  It seems like the news reports are a coming directly out of the Prophets.  Events are intensifying.   I notice that many people want to ignore what is happening in Israel, but the events there are not insignificant.  It is easier and more comfortable to sleep or be entertained than to be watching and praying, but we need to be on alert.

Things seem so dark and threatening, but even with storms on the horizon I know who walks with me.  I wrote this poem when during my freshman year in college after I had a vision.  I can still see the vision, and the best way for me to describe it is by sharing this poem with you.  

Storm clouds shake
As raindrops mingle with tears
Then it stops.
There is darkness all around
Yet I have to squint as I look up
And you reach down, smile, and hold my hand.         Copyright 1996

This picture of the Lord smiling and holding my hand in the middle of darkness and difficulty has brought me much comfort.  I hope it will do the same for you.

If you are reading this post and do not know Jesus as Lord of your life, today is the day to do that.  Your life will be changed.  Do not delay.  Believe and receive the good news that Jesus (Yeshua) died for you so that you might have eternal life.  

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